Head of School
Lisa Langley is a committed and vocal advocate of the American School of Puerto Vallarta’s mission and guiding principles. She is a dedicated cheerleader to all Shark parents and well loved by our families.
She first joined the ASPV team as a Middle & High School Science teacher in 1989 and went on to become the Math and Science Department Head. In 2000 she became Advanced Placement Program Coordinator and Academic Advisor where she ensured students had access to college-level courses in their area of interest and supported all students in reaching their academic potential. In 2009 she became ASPV’s College Guidance Counselor, inspiring students to further their education and pursue their dreams. Ms. Langley has also served as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Accreditation Coordinator and later as Director of Admissions before finally becoming Head of School in 2016.
She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marine Biology from the Texas A & M University, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude, and a Master’s Degree in Multidisciplinary Education from the University of New York. She also holds a certificate from the AAIE International School of Leadership & Management, from Wilkes University. She has extensive years of experience in education and leadership in many areas of the school.
Ms. Langley is married with three children, all ASPV graduates. She likes chatting with staff and families, her morning coffee, and a midday m&m break. She loves showing off how brilliant her children are and doting on her adorable grandchild.